1·The adorable female calf is the second black rhino born this year at the reserve, but it is too early to tell if the calves will make good candidates to be returned to protected areas of the wild.
2·"The creation of a system of marine protected areas is a key part of ongoing scientific and policy discussions in CCAMLR," he added.
“创建一个海洋保护区系统是 CCAMLR 正在进行的科学与政策讨论的关键部分。”他补充说。
3·We are not the ones to decide on the establishment of marine protected areas, but we hope to contribute positively with our knowledge and experience.
4·We are not the ones to decide on the establishment of marine-protected areas, but we hope to contribute positively with our knowledge and experience.
5·As conservation areas become smaller, lions are increasingly coming into contact with human populations, which are expanding to the boundaries of these protected areas.
6·Another 800 live in zoos and protected areas.
7·But most of all we need to create more protected areas in the oceans.
8·Only two breeding populations remain, based in protected areas in Spain.
9·Let's not just keep them in zoos or even in small island pockets of protected areas.
10·A 2003 decree by Brazil's National Environment Council forbids burial grounds in protected areas.